Batteries empty
… but heart and soul fulfilled
Guys guys guys! We painted all day.
Broke our backs and our necks building these projects that we love. I’m bleary eyed. My post-broken ankle is swollen (but we will blindly ignore that sign) and I cannot get the paint off my eyelashes. BUT - its starting to come together!
In jobs like these, the mind gets buggered and sleep is important as we begin again tomorrow. I notice that if my mind isn’t rested then the ideas the next day shall not flow. So gang - I cannot provide or say much today, so I shall leave you below with the only thing I have consumed today outside of my own wildy jumpy and fun thoughts today. A friend who sent it to me just as the Uber Eats guy arrived with my saganaki. OPRAH AND SAGANAKI, WHAT A COMBO HUH!
Guys we are getting close to finishing these projects….and its going to be great!
Watch here
P Mami xx