Broken foot = blog
“Hard work is about risk. It begins when you deal with the things that you’d rather not deal with: fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier, drive through the other barrier. And after you’ve done that, to do it again the next day.” Seth Godin
To be perfectly honest, I actually cringe HARD when I hear the word “Blog.” I don't know exactly why - I have thought maybe because every man and his god-damn-dog is a blogger and spend 103% of my time trying to be original and head against the grain of everyone else. However, when you combine the 687 people telling or even so yelling AT me “you should have a blog!!!” and an injury that forces you to sit/lay/lounge for 8-10 weeks: hey presto ya got a blog! When your world becomes contained to one location for 8 weeks and with all arts and crafts exhausted - it can be hard to maintain a normal level of sanity. So, I am transferring this build up physical energy onto my NEW fancy keyboard (thanks Jobkeeper) that signifies that I am being ultra-serious about this attempt at writing and journalling my experience in owning a creative freelance bizness. Yes, that is spelt wrong, but said with sass.
I have been toying with the idea for a while as I like to marinate (my favourite word) in things, let the whole concept sink in to both the left and right sides of my forever going brain. Then I kind of sit back and let the universe show me signs that I should do it. Yes. I am one of “those” universe-hippy-dippy-spiritual-people who believes that we are guided by a bigger force up there. Don’t know its name, don’t know what it is, don’t classify it at all as religion and I don’t spend time trying to decipher what it is. I know it’s there, I’ve seen it do crazy ass things that are both good and bad and I just call it the ‘universe’ like everyone else. You can take those eye rolls and scoffs elsewhere by clicking exit on that little X box at the corner of your screen as this “blog” is a no judging zone. Just let people be who they are.
Of course like any emotionally intelligent person would do, I wrote a list about what scares me the most about writing a blog - to determine whether I was just overthinking it, or whether there were ACTUAL scary things amongst journal writing. I have quotes written on pieces of paper stuck all throughout the house, just to give me reminders because I can get carried away fast with an idea or thought. Or just rearranging the house in the middle of a task. Next to my work desk I have written “Put blinders on to those things that conspire to hold you back, especially the ones in your own head” - Meryl Streep. So before committing to any ‘scary’ life tasks that normally end up creating growth anyways, I like to work out first what I am putting blinders over. The fear came down really to one thing which actually classically holds most people back from things: “what will others think?” Will I offend someone, do I know what I am talking about? Does anyone EVEN care? Will anyone even read it? Is this a waste of time? Are people going to be dissecting my words or criticising my opinions?
Probably, yes. But as my fabulous life-coach mother reassured me when I rang to discuss all of the questions above, she said “Mays (nickname), yeah some people may have those thoughts. But you know what? Then they just go back to eating their sandwich, or sending an email or worrying about the 87,000 thoughts that they have that day. It doesn’t stick around their heads and nothing comes from it, you are one tiny dot amongst other fleeting thoughts. Other people's opinion of you is none of your business. Just be responsible only for your words, actions and your intentions.” Ugggggghhh YAS MAMA! You are just the best, always knowing exactly what to say. We all call her ‘The Oracle’ like in the Matrix because everyone goes to her for wise life-advice. As as my gal Elizabeth Gilbert says in Big Magic - “Let people be in love with their opinions, just as you and I are in love with ours. But never delude yourself into believing that you require someone else’s blessing (or even their comprehension) in order to make your own creative work.”
Back to the why I am doing this. I listen to a LOT of Podcasts, sometimes several a day. There are two main themes: business and self growth. Chuck a few random social and culture podcasts in, but business and self growth dominate. I like to listen to other successful people giving shortcut advice. I LOVE ADVICE. It is so valuable, and so under appreciated. Why would you slug something out for decades that was potentially wrong when you can ask someone or seek out more info to make it easier or better? Maya Angelou says “When you know better. You do better.” And who doesn’t want to do better! That’s why I love to consume these things, information about how to elevate professionally and personally. I love to always change and alter how I do things so that there is room to bring other things in, other ideas, other projects, because you have grown and learnt those lessons and therefore your efficiency and quality get better. Plant Mama is successful because I have constantly been altering my processes and absorbing any and all information that I can, to improve. There have been some royally shit things happen, but we just keep the truck moving.
One man that has heavily influenced the blogosphere that I am entering, is Seth Godin. He. Is. Fucking. Great. See here to read all about him here But basically is a very successful entrepreneur, author, marketer, fab-advice-giver etc etc who has done a blog EVERY DAY FOR OVER TEN YEARS. He doesn’t miss a day. Wild. He tells business things so simply and straight-up that I sometimes have to pick my jaw up from the floor. So when the ‘universe’ dropped this page to me the day after I got my beautiful moon boot and a set of crutches, I thought that maybe the “marination” stage has in fact, finished.
When I read Seth saying “Write like you talk. It’s better to read” it was over. Sign me up! I had spent so long as a high-school teacher in my past life correcting grammatical and spelling mistakes daily (you honestly would not BELIEVE how many kids write U 2) that it is in my blood to correct those things, but not in me heart and me soul! The most compliments I get about the ‘Plant Mama’ brand is my tone of voice, how I write Instagram captions or comments. They are FILLED with errors, swear words, slang and purposeful errors which if you have had a verbal conversation with me, is very much the same. I like reading copy with a bit of flavour, a bit of spice. A bitta “wassuppp” attitude. How boring is most of the communication we have all day. The emails, the letters in the mail and all the yadda yadda. Lighten up a little. So just a note out to the Grammar police, don’t come a’knockin on my door. I have let my verbal-freak-flag-fly on ‘The Gram’ and now Seth has released me and allowed me to transfer this nonsense onto my website. How fun!!!!
So - whatta we gunna talk about? Ugh, I love being able to write like this already! My high school English teacher Ms Rossi is coming for me, I can FEEL it. I say ‘we’ but really I will be doing the writing/talking to you but if you have things you want to hear then please holla at me. There is already SUCH a long list of ideas to bring forward. The continuation of these blog posts will mimic much like personality: no order, no plans, slightly nuts and a dash (or giant glug) of spontaneity. One week we could talk about how to clean plant leaves and the next I could be telling my Oprah story. Which is SUCH A GREAT STORY that I have yet been able to find the best way to tell it. Maybe a video? It just needs to be told in person. Ya know, add some quality GST*. The point is, there will be no linear topics - we can and shall cover all things. *Good Story Tax
Before I start any task, big or small, I consider what my intention is. It’s actually a very great habit to get into. When I wrote out my intention for the blog in my chicken-scratch handwriting it read: “To be able to hand those personal experience shortcut nuggets of golden advice onto the next person. If a small number of people can learn just one thing from this blog/journal - my job is done sisssterrrr!”
I have a lot of things to say. I have made a lot of mistakes. I have also achieved things I never thought were potentially obtainable. If anything I am excited to document my experience from here on out as a ‘fresh n ripe’ 30 year old moving through the eps and flows of running a creative and freelance business. And deadlines run my life so I accept the challenge of keeping this blog thing alive, even if for a short while. And be able to come back on here at 75 years old (still looking fab) and see what the journey has been. Strap on in and ENJOY ZEEEEEE RIDEEEEEEEEEE.
Love to you always and I hope the disco found you today!!!
P Mami xxx
See here for playlist
See here for great blogging advice from Seth Godin