Books to Start Your Spiritual Journz (Journey)
judging all your bookshelves
Hi guys! Here I am again, you proud? Today we shall discuss one of my favourite topics: George Clooneys eyes.
NO SORRY. Books.
My relationship with reading is on and off. When I am super busy I want to sleep in any moment of rest (or watching trashy television. The trashier the better). But when I am balanced and have my shit together, I squeeze in the right amount of reading. I also smash through hundreds of books when on holidays. Because all and every holiday of mine must be taken next to a beach. And the best thing to do beside a beach (besides eating Lemon Gelato) is reading.
I always finish all my books in Europe earlier than expected and end up furiously Googling “bookshop with English books in Rome” followed by hours of walking in circles to locate said shops which normally don’t have what I need. So next time I pack five more books, and instantly regret it when they weigh my bag upon check in.
Books tell you a lot about a person. It is the first thing I look at when going into someone’s home. Whoops, the cats outta the bag - I am book judging you all. Now my bookshelf has lots of different books and we can spend all year discussing the many titles present on there. But I think we should narrow just a few down.
I am a regular on the end of “heysis wasssuppp give me a book to read. LOVE YOU SUGAR TITS” text from friends. They trust me and my reading choices, which is truly an honour. Although I have read lots of books, there a few that will always be my favourite. The ones I always go back to. Learning more each time I re-crack its pages, and screaming a “fuck yes!!” during moments of mind blowing life conclusions.
The spiritual/self improvement books can scare some people away, which I completely and totally understand. This world is a little “woo woo” - some things can be hard to wrap your brain around, or even believe. I have found entering a book with an open heart and an open mind, is the best way to serve its purpose - which is to tell you a story.
If you are interested in dipping your toe into this world, below is a list of texts to help you start. They are easy to read and explain things perfectly. Because I like CLEAR SHORT AND CONCISE INFORMATION, and these books really help you. A lot of people who float around in this world following these texts will confirm that they have probably read most of the below list. They are all best sellers, and would be available at most books shops.
I hope you enjoy reading, and I would LOVE to hear from you if you have read and loved these books too. So many interesting topics and conversations to be had.
Mitch Albom
Uggghhh. I can hear most of you sighing in love, adoration and warmth for this story, an incredibly famous and well known text with a great story. A true story. I first read this in Year 9, and since then every couple of years I will revisit.
The writer Mitch Albom tells the story of his old university professor Morrie who later in life gets diagnosed with ALS. The story follows Mitch’s reconnection with Morrie and a tradition they begin by meeting on Tuesday to talk about life. Deep, heavy, beautiful and breath-taking life topics. Many moments of reflection as you finish each chapter.
You will cry. My god you will cry. Morrie is the most beautiful character. I adore him. He loves Disco music, dancing, and a good coleslaw - I can so relate. A beautifully written text, and a story that you will never ever ever, get sick of. Tuesdays are now my favourite days of the week.
Best quotes:
“If you're trying to show off for people at the top, forget it. They will look down on you anyhow. And if you're trying to show off for people at the bottom, forget it. They will only envy you. Status will get you nowhere. Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone.”
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
The Celestine Prophecy
James Redfield
Ok ok so with this one, I would go so far as saying that if I had a religion: it would be this book. It was the first spiritual book I read in my early 20s and it opened to the door to so many other books that have been incredibly empowering.
I enjoy stories where I can learn something through a story or adventure. You learn through the authors experience. The extremely thrilling and exciting tale of this story will keep you hooked and engaged from the start. James Redfield (author) goes on a spiritual and physical adventure through Peru to uncover nine spiritual insights that were written in ancient times that hold the key to the running of the universe. The nine “spiritual” truths that if all man lived by, we would have a harmonious existence. Can you imagine such a place? I can - its called Sardinia.
As James moves through the book and through a range of crazy ass stories, you are presented slowly with each of the nine spiritual insights. These insights...are SUPER powerful, hence why I would sign up as religion-follower of it all in a heartbeat. It’s the book that started me on this journey, and I think if you are looking for somewhere to start and be eased in, this adventure story is a great start.
MY favourite insight is number one:
become conscious of the coincidences that are meant to fulfil our potential and purpose - nothing is an accident
URRGGHHH RIGHT! So good. See summary of each insight here. There are 9 insights in the first book, and then he has followed on with other books for the other insights. Great book, BIG FAN!! ENJOY
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho
I was actually late to the game on this one, which is a favourite of many! I was given this on my last trip to Italy although I had it on the list forever. And holy shit it did not disappoint!! I think I finished it in three days.
Written by Paulo Coelho, it’s a journey of a shepherd boy called Santiago, a character you cannot help but root for. Similar to Celestine Prophecy, you follow a man and a journey deeply rooted in lessons and a profound understanding of the power that resides within all of us. He has a big dream and is committed to following it, through all the obstacles that life throws him. It’s about pursuing the life that makes your happy and finding a strength that whilst you may try and locate from external sources, comes from within.
Santiago and The Alchemist teach you, very subtly, about how the universe will conspire to work in your favour. And if you combine that with being your truest self, hey presto - life is yours for the taking.
Best quotes:
“It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”
“Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.”
“There is only one way to learn. It’s through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.”
P.S Paulo and Oprah have a great podcast episode, you can see more here
The Untethered Soul
Michael Singer
Ok so this was definitely Oprah, she made me buy this one. Obviously she loves lots of books and tells you to buy all of them, but this one stood out. I reallllyyy struggled when I first tried Eckhart Tolle’s readings (A New Earth, Power of Now). Which I have now learnt, has been the experience of many other readers. I have since conquered and understood his writing and LOVE. But back to it being confusing….I just found it hard to grasp. And my girls Ops had said on her show “if you found Eckharts text hard to read (YES ME!)... then The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer will get you there.” THANK YOU AGAIN OPRAH FOR ALL YOUR GUIDANCE.
And she was right, again. Outstanding book. Written VERY well, and extremely easy to conceptualise. It’s all about “thoughts” and how they control everything. How you create them and let them control you. I KNOW RIGHT - PREEEAACCHH. We all live in our heads. It's about recognising that voice in your head and seeing it as separate to you, not who you are. YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS. And I think we all have seen this topic, heard about it, discussed it. But Michael really gives you practical activities to about recognising the voices and acting upon turning them into positive thoughts. And who doesn’t like positive thoughts? Positivity attracts positivity. That’s not philosophy, that's science.
There is one activity about focusing on the voices in the shower - WILD!!!!! Will blow your mind.
Its not just a book about what's happening in your head, but also HOW TO HELP IT. Highly highly recommend if you also want to learn to be more present. More on whats in ze book here
No need to explain, see here for more.
Now I actually have four more books on this list. BUT - I realised why share it all? Why not hold back a little, keep the people wanting more.
I have decided that two of these books deserve their own entire blog post. And there are a few more hours of sunlight left so I must go get chips and sparkling water and head to park ASAP with Sprouty gal.
Therefore I am loving ya and leaving ya.
See you tomorrow night homies. Hope these books get your little soul started. It’s nice to have little internal realisations. Being a good human is a good time. ALL WE CAN DO IS TRY!!!
Love love
P Mami xx