Dear Diary
Committing to writing and posting for seven days straight
in replacement of social media.
Dear Diary,
JUST KIDDING - not a "dear diary." It was just the most ingenious thing I could think to awkwardly begin my commitment to writing/posting oh here EVERY DAY FOR THE NEXT WEEK. In addition to these ‘posts’ I will attach completely irrelevant film photos taken during these two weeks off Instagram.
Now. For me, committing to something for one day is big. Let alone for seven whole days! My friends know me as the queen of "no response" and "spontaneous hangouts." I don't reaalllyyyy like to make plans or lock anything down really. Freedom is the yummiest form of livin’. My mood will determine whether I am enthusiastic about plans or not. Unfortunately I cannot decipher during the day how I am going to feel later on, so instead of always cancelling plans with people, I just don’t make them until the last second and then no one is upset if they don’t happen! It is genius if you ask me. I also can flip between my commitment to general social human interactions. I could be down to see no-one for five weeks (quite happily mind you) or I could host a 60 person houseparty that goes for two days and we shoot through 18 bottles of high quality tequila. I really sit at either end of the spectrum depending on lots of factors.
(Details of why introverts have nice homes here)
early birds capture the worm
Anyhoo anti committer right here and proud of it! But after my swearing- off-Instagram-for-a-fortnight thing happened, I KNEW that all that time saving off the gram was going to mean a few hours of hyperactive energy that needed a task that was different and semi challenging.
Writing every day for me, is semi challenging. For some, it's like the easiest thing in the world. My business Messiah/Jesus - Seth Godin writes every day on Seths Blog (its amazing, he is amazing, amazing amazing amazing). Every day he shows up and posts, with each one being as insightful as the next. I am in awe, always.
Picking plants and building jungles is easy for me. But doing something easy is boring, whilst doing something semi challenging (for me) always means that by the end of it, I would have learnt one new thing. And right now the continuous year long boredom needs a shake up. I am assuming that after these upcoming seven days there shall be one extra skill added to my non-existent resume. EVEN if that skill is “you shouldn’t write for seven days ever again.”
BUT I AM HERE. BLOGGING EVERY NIGHT FOR A WEEK I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT BRIAN! What shall we discuss? I actually have no idea. The freedom in my future written words, is what makes the commitment part seemingly okay. It's an equal swap.
100 projects in every room of the home.
have made peace with it
The reason I am not too concerned about “lack of topics” is because I have never spent this much time inside thinking about things. And I share that with the other millions of people across the world in lockdown because of COVID. So there are a lot of thoughts banging around that head of mine, lots a of feelings swishing around the soul and heaps of bottled up energy ready for a god-damn holiday. The one thing I keep telling myself to make the mood lighter, is HOW AMAZING that beach is gunna be when my little tooshie is parked up on it for months on end when those borders to NSW and QLD open.
I look forward to hitting the keys tomorrow night with my first REAL THOUGHTFUL entry, today I just thought we would introduce ourselves and get acquainted. Truth be told I am working on TWO HAAUUUUGGGEEEEEEE projects that demanded 8 hours or hardcore creative admin focus and I only realised very late (like always) that I said I was gunna do this and my brain is spent and and I am tired and I just wanna eat my chips and drink my Passionfruit Sour Beer. Its a thing, its a real yum thing. This is not sponsored, it’s just absolutely worth the share. You won’t look back.
See you guysss (not really “see” but ya feel me) tomoz night!
May your night be as nice as your ass (haven’t seen it but I am sure its ace)
P Mami xx
P.s Can I also just add - all of you emailing and messaging through your thoughts after reading these posts warms me little heart. Sometimes you think no-one is reading and BAM - there you all are. Thanking you thanking you! Love. YOU